Level Up Your Data Skills

Analytics Software Skills Training

Playfair Data is your one-stop shop for getting more from your data through analytics strategy, data engineering, user interface design, and visual analytics engineering directly from experts in Tableau, Power BI, Alteryx, Figma, and more.

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Why Playfair Data Training

Visual analytics learning solutions for all.

With free written content, on-demand video tutorials, and in-person courses provided in several different formats, Playfair Data offers a true blended learning environment for analysts of all skill levels and industry experiences.

If you are just getting started with your data training journey, take advantage of our Fundamentals category of written tutorials or Cornerstone video course module. If you are more experienced, you will find value in the advanced approaches we have been developing for more than a decade.

Make your data usable through our blended learning environment.

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Playfair Data’s training ecosystem has helped thousands of practitioners level up their analytics skills.

Learning materials for Playfair Data's in-person training events
Comfortable classroom environment for Playfair Data's in-person training events
Ryan Sleeper teaching during an in-person training event
Playfair Data's professional video studio

How it works

Level up your data skills.

We think of our learning environment as an escalator.

Level up your Tableau skills with Playfair Data
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Any analyst is welcome to read all written content for free – forever. You can even subscribe to a monthly newsletter to be the first to know when new content is released.

When you are ready for more context, strategy, storytelling, and additional resources, you can become a member of our on-demand visual analytics training platform, Playfair+.

Then if you want to tie it all together with hands-on practice and personalized instruction, you can attend one of our live Tableau training workshops.


Meet Playfair Data’s Authors

Ryan Sleeper

Ryan has authored hundreds of written and video tutorials about Tableau engineering, design, and visual analytics strategy. Read Bio >

Ethan Lang

Ethan is Playfair Data's Director of Analytics Engineering and writes blogs related to Tableau engineering, statistical modeling, and visual analytics. Read Bio >

Felicia Styer

Felicia is Playfair Data's Associate Director of Analytics Solutions and writes about formatting, Tableau engineering, and data engineering. Read Bio >

Maddie Dierkes

Maddie is a Manager of Decision Science and writes about integrating advanced analytics into Tableau. Read Bio >

Jason Penrod

Jason is Playfair's Director of Information Design and writes about design, user experience, and user interfaces.

Alyssa Huff

Alyssa is a Senior Manager of Information Design and loves to write about the intersection of Tableau engineering, creativity, and user experience. Read Bio >

Dan Bunker

Dan specializes in bringing analysis and design together to effectively engage all types of audiences with captivating data storytelling. Read Bio >

Amy Leonard

Amy oversees Playfair Data's human resources, accounting, and customer service initiatives. Read Bio >

Ariana Cukier

As Playfair's Associate Director of Data Engineering, Ariana bridges the gap between raw data and decision ready data. Read Bio >

Rafael Simancas

As a Visual Analytics Architect, Rafa promotes the value of user experience and its role in creating dynamic designs with data. Read Bio >

Zoya Zafar

As a Visual Analytics Architect, Zoya focuses on the importance of user experience and interaction in data-driven designs. Read Bio >

Matt Snively

Matt is a Senior Manager of Analytics Engineering and enjoys bringing storytelling and data together in Tableau. Read Bio >

Juan Carlos Guzman

Juan Carlos uses his background in statistics to write about Tableau engineering and using analytics to gain valuable insight. Read Bio >

Nick Cassara

As a Data Engineer, Nick works to build efficient and dynamic systems that provide users with decision-ready data. Read Bio >

Take the first step by learning more about our written tutorials.

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Visual Analytics Tutorials